Discourse and the Non-Native English Speaker PDF
By:Michael Cribb
Published on 2009 by Cambria Press
The main thesis of the book is that the construction of extended discourse carries with it an additional burden for the speaker, namely the need to package information without support from the interlocutor in such a way as to make a coherent interpretation possible. For the mother-tongue speaker, the management of this packaging is of second nature, but for the non-native, the removal of collaborative support from the interlocutor in the form of back-channels and negotiation of meaning leads to miscues at the discourse level which impinge on coherence. As these miscues accumulate and interact with each other, the coherence of the discourse is diminished even further and in extreme cases a complete breakdown in communication can be observed. Two key areas where these miscues materialize are in the semantic consistency and pragmatic relevance of the utterances as each one is added to the common ground. Semantic consistency refers to the need to maintain the internal specificity of utterances and the external consistency across utterances, while pragmatic relevance refers to the need to make contributions which are well-contextualized and relevant to the on-going discourse. The book is both a textual and evaluative approach to studying discourse. It contains copious examples of transcribed non-native discourse with commentaries that indicate where miscues arise and how these lead to a lack of coherence. The book also describes in detail a manipulation experiment which looks at the effect of repairing discourse on the perceived coherence, thus evaluating the psycholinguistic reality of the identified miscues. The book also considers the relationship of fluency to coherence and how disfluent performance can impinge on perceived coherence.
This Book was ranked at 39 by Google Books for keyword Genre Fiction Biographical novel.
Book ID of Discourse and the Non-Native English Speaker's Books is UiqbSvxPZ_gC, Book which was written byMichael Cribbhave ETAG "vcQYiCjS+Iw"
Book which was published by Cambria Press since 2009 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781604976571 and ISBN 10 Code is 1604976578
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "356 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryEducation
Book was written in en
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